Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab defines additional service options.


Output Capture

Option Purpose
Redirect this file to STDIN Specify the name of the file from which you want to redirect data or parameters to application’s STDIN (standard input) stream. This option is useful if you want to pass the number of parameters to your console application.
Redirect STDOUT and STDERROR to the file Specify the name of the file to which you want to redirect application’s STDOUT (standard output) and STDERROR (standard error) streams.
Overwrite the output file every time the program starts All the data in the file, which you indicated in ‘Redirect STDOUT and STDERROR to the file‘ field, will be cleared on your application launch, and the application’s output stream will be logged all over again. By default this option is disabled and output data of each session is logged successively.

Service Lifecycle

Option Purpose
Upon program exit Specify how Service Control Manager should manage the service in case the application, which is run as service, terminates:

  • "Take no action" – the service remains running, however, the application won’t be restarted;
  • "Restart the program after" – attempt will be made to restart the application after the specified time;
  • "Shutdown the service" – the service will be terminated gracefully by sending "Stop" command.

Note: Remember that "Restart the program after" option impacts on schedule. In other words, if your scheduled application is launched several times (if there are two "Start from" tasks in schedule, for example), enable "Restart the program after" option for successful schedule proceeding.

Moreover, your scheduled application will be launched the second time according to schedule, not according to "Restart the program after" value. If "Restart the program after" is disabled, the second task in schedule will not be proceeded.

Flap detection If "Restart the program after" option is used, you can specify the behavior of the service in case the application, which is run as service, terminates several times in succession.

For instance, if the application is closed 3 times (no matter, whether intentionally or due to a crash), you may wish to shutdown the service by choosing "Shutdown the service after" and specifying the number of retries in the corresponding field.

If you don’t need this option, simply select "Take no action".

Shutdown Program

Option Purpose
Graceful shutdown Tick this checkbox if you want your application exit correctly on the service halt. This option is especially important for console applications where correct termination is a must.

This feature does not simply close Windows application, it searches for pop-up windows after sending the command to close and presses buttons in the following order: IDNO IDOK IDABORT IDYES IDCANCEL.

Max shutdown delay Define the period of time (in seconds) before the application is forced to exit (in case it is not responding).