How to set main port in a bundle

Main port is a port which is allowed to manage control lines (RTS/CTS, DSR/DTR, DCD, RING) on the other side of the bundle.

  1. When splitting real serial port, real port is always main in the IN side of the bundle.
  2. When joining several real ports, virtual port is always main in the OUT side of the bundle.
  3. When redirecting serial traffic from any real port to another port, ports of both sides are main ones.
  4. When sharing real port between several applications, ports of both sides are main ones. The application with "Control" access rights will manage port parameters provided it was the first to open the port.  If none application in a bundle has "Control" access rights, then neither of them will be able to manage shared port parameters.
  5. In complex bundle main port is always set manually. If it is not done, then there will be no main port in complex bundle.

If a main port in complex bundle is a virtual one, it will manage parameters of the real port with dynamic parameters in the other side of the bundle.

If a main port in complex bundle is a shared one, then any application with "Control" access rights will manage real ports parameters.

Note: main port has a small exclamation icon. Read more about different port icons here.